When you think about mindfulness, you might envision someone sitting Budda-like in an impossibly cross-legged position. Or perhaps standing on top of a mountain gazing with purpose into the vista. Even the less seasoned mindfulness gurus among us will recognise the concept of ‘living in the now’ as central to mindful living. So, with all this pausing and living in the moment, how could future goal setting possibly have a role to play in a mindful life?
The good news for the leaders and goal-setting advocates among us is that goals can play a very meaningful role in a mindful life. But there are some lessons to be learned.
Goals are a good motivator
The research shows that goals are an excellent way to help us:
- Determine direction
- Increase motivation
- Build confidence
- Enhance focus
This enhanced clarity and focus helps us to still our rambling minds (or ‘monkey brains’ as they are commonly referred to) in the present moment. Great news. But there is a ‘BUT’…
But too much future goal focus can have negative effects
On the flip side, research shows that an excessive focus on goals can have the opposite effect; rather than getting closer to the goal, we find ourselves moving away from it.
For example, when we excessively focus on the goal of losing weight, we tend to eat more. Or if we are determined to get a good night’s sleep because of an important meeting or event the next day, we will invariably twist and turn all night.
What the research actually shows is that when there is too much awareness of the GAP between our current state and the end goal, we become frustrated and the goal becomes counterproductive.
Having too great a focus on future goals, can also mean that we lose focus on the present moment and on the WIN – What’s Important Now.
Getting the right focus is key
The good news is, there is a way to achieve balance and success.
In order to motivate people TODAY, we need to place more emphasis ON THE WAY to attain the goal.
Recognise that big goals, while setting vision and expectation, can also be daunting for your team today. Help to alleviate their fears by creating a clear ROADMAP on how you plan to achieve the
Set clear milestones and ensure that people can achieve daily WINS. This will help your team to achieve satisfaction and a more mindful balance in their job today.
Don’t forget to celebrate the small WINS along the way and you will soon be on the path to achieving your future vision.
Clear Focus is a business strategy, culture and employee development consultancy. Through effective collaboration, communication, alignment and coaching, we can help your company and your team to focus, grow and thrive. For more, contact us.